Contact & Itinerary

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di Vanessa Bussola
PI 01889730444

Contrada Pagliare 17
63030 Monsampolo Del Tronto (AP)
Mob: +393475265670


B&B Villa Bussola
di Peter van Diessen

Contrada Pagliare 17
63030 Monsampolo Del Tronto (AP)
Mob: +393475265670

CIN: IT044031C1Y53MV2DX

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How to reach us

GPS: N 42°54'34.11" E 13°47'25.03"

45 min. drive PESCARA AIRPORT (75km)
1h drive ANCONA AIRPORT (100km)
+2h drive CIAMPINO ROME AIRPORT (220km)
2,5h drive FIUMICINO ROME AIRPORT (250km)
Ryanair has cheap flight to Pescara, Ancona and Ciampino
DRIVE directions to Villa Bussola:

From Switserland: Milaan --> Bologna --> Ancona

From Austria: Verona --> Bologna --> Ancona

From Ancona first follow the A14 direction Pescara and after about 90km take the exit San Benedetto del Tronto / Ascoli Piceno. Directly after the toll-gates keep right and take the "superstrada SS16" direction Ascoli Piceno / Rome. After 5,5km take the exit Monsampolo del Tronto at the end of the exit turn right you're now on the "via Cristoforo Colombo", follow it upo to a T-junction with traffic lights. Turn left at the traffic lights, you're now on the "Via Salaria" SS4 . After about 1.2 km, at the first set of traffic lights turn right. You are now on the Via Aldo Moro (SP46). Follow this steep road for about 1,5 km to the center of Monsampolo del Tronto.

In the center keep following the SP46, direction Aquaviva Picena, after about 1,5 km you will find "Villa Bussola" in a sharp bend to the right, on your left hand site.
From Rome: On the "Grande raccordo anulare" follow directions for L'Aquila - Teramo (A24). After Teramo when you leave the tol-way follow the SS80 to the Tol-way A14. Follow that one in the direction of Ancona. Take the exit San Benedetto del Tronto/Ascoli Piceno. Directly after the toll-gates keep right and take the "superstrada SS16" direction Ascoli Piceno / Rome. After 5,5km take the exit Monsampolo del Tronto at the end of the exit turn right you're now on the "via Cristoforo Colombo", follow it upo to a T-junction with traffic lights. Turn left at the traffic lights, you're now on the "Via Salaria" SS4 . After about 1.2 km, at the first set of traffic lights turn right. You are now on the Via Aldo Moro (SP46). follow this steep road for about 1,5 km to the center of Monsampolo del Tronto, in the center keep following the SP46, direction Aquaviva Picena, after about 2,5 km you will find "Villa Bussola" in a sharp bend to the right, on your left hand side.

10km from the sea and beaches
15km from Ascoli Piceno
30km from the Sibillini Mountain
75km from Airport Pescara
100km from Airport Ancona